Hypnotherapy to manage the psychological impact of being visibly different.

Visible differences can manifest from a whole range of issues such as birthmarks, scarring, hair loss, skin conditions such as acne and eczema, severe...

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Does hypnotherapy work for weight loss?

Countless clients report anecdotally that they wouldn't have achieved success without hypnotherapy (and hadn't previously and sustainably done so).


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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

IBS is a common gut disorder that affects one in five people. It affects people of all ages but more commonly first develops in young adults. Symptoms...

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Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

IBS is a common gut disorder that affects one in five people. It affects people of all ages but more commonly first develops in young adults. Symptoms...

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How unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices can impact fertility.

One in every four to six couples in developing countries has been found to be affected by infertility [1,2]. And this figure remained relatively stabl...

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Why false memory phenomenon is not unique to hypnotherapy

The process of experiencing and remembering is regulated by many factors including how salient the experience was, expectations, beliefs, attitudes, i...

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How is hypnotherapy different to meditation?

This is a common question asked by those who come into hypnotherapy having practised or know a little about, meditation. The early experiences they ha...

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'Hypnosis' and 'hypnotherapy'; it's all the same isn't it?

The terms hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been used interchangeably for decades, and to many an untrained ear, they seem to equate to the same thing.  ...

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Why is Hypnotherapy called a 'Complementary Therapy?

Hypnotherapy benefits clients most where the cause of the problem is psychologically based. If someone presents with a problem that could have an orga...

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Progressive relaxation technique to reduce tension & stress

Progressive relaxation techniques are very brief and take literally minutes out of our day to achieve such great and lasting results. 

During this re...

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10 questions every hypnotherapist should ask every client

The questions a hypnotherapist will ask vary according to client, context, presenting issue, and so on. There are a number of questions however

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Hypnotherapy for overweight triggered by trauma

Being overweight or engaging in unhealthy eating habits is often nothing more than managing underlying stress or overwhelm in the current, and/or anxi...

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