10 questions every hypnotherapist should ask every client
The questions a hypnotherapist will ask vary according to client, context, presenting issue, and so on. There are a number of questions however, that should be asked of almost every client.
It's assumed that hypnotherapists will already routinely ask about contact details, medical and psychological history, allergies and phobias (to avoid mentioning in trance), suicide and self-harm, and history and origin of the problem. Here are 10 must-ask questions for hypnotherapists to ask their clients:
1) Out of all the things we have covered today, what do you think was most useful?
2) Imagine, for a moment, that there was a positive reason for having this problem. That in some way, despite the problems it brings, it actually provides some reward. What would that reward be? (Notice we ask the client to 'imagine'. This helps bypasses resistance and encourages creativity in exploring possible secondary gain)
3) What, if anything, has changed for the better since the last session?
4) What would you like to work on today? (If it seems reasonable, we have to have the courage to abandon all our plans if necessary. The client usually knows best. We should negotiate if we have any doubts.)
5) If anyone, who will support you as you go about these changes?
6) Is there anything else we haven't discussed today that you wanted to talk about?
7) What are your hobbies and interests? (We work these into therapy inductions, suggestions, metaphors, and analogies and examples the client can relate to)
8) Is anyone else likely to answer your telephone? Will they know you are in therapy with me? (an oft-overlooked aspect of protecting confidentiality)
9) How do you think you are doing in relation to your goals?
10) How did you find out about me? (if we don’t know where clients have come from, how will we know which marketing strategies work and which do not?)
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