Hypnotherapy & NLP for OCD: when CBT alone just isn't enough!

Richard had been diagnosed some years ago with a debilitating condition called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). He had been wanting to try hypnoth...

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Why hypnosis & NLP are effective strategies for quitting smoking

NLP stands for 'neuro-linguistic programming'. 'Neuro' refers to the brain/neurones and sensory apparatus (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic (feeling), o...

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Hypnotherapy for managing obesity-related hypertension

Obesity is a major risk factor for hypertension through several mechanismsĀ such asĀ neurohormonal activation, inflammation, and kidney dysfunction. InĀ ...

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The leading killer in women; recognising the symptoms of heart disease

Everyone is at risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) with heart disease beingĀ the most common diseaseĀ and the leading cause of death.Ā 

In A...

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Why can't I get quit smoking hypnotherapy on prescription?

Smoking is an addictive behaviour classified by three or more of the following criteria: tolerance, withdrawal, higher consumption than intended, desi...

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Sowing, growing and revitalising motivation; mechanisms preventing change

Motivation is generally accepted as a requirement for success. With motivation, we can get from Point A, where we are, to Point B, where weĀ want to be...

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7 Essential Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Having a Heart Attack

The statistics show that in Australia someone has a heart attack every 10 minutes and as frequently as high as every 40 seconds in America!

When we ...

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10 Evidence-Based Diet Recommendations for Improving Cardiovascular Health

A scientific statementĀ on diet and lifestyle recommendations for improving cardiovascular health and reducing cardiovascular risk was published in Cir...

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Reinforcement: reasons why smoking cessation might be difficult to sustain
Positive and negative reinforcementĀ Ā 

Positive and negative reinforcement both produce a wanted state.

One of the positive reinforcement strategies ...

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Why change can be easier than problem maintenance

How often have you wanted to make a change and thought it wasn't worth the effort and your investment to do it?

Perhaps you had good intentions and e...

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Why do hypnotherapists use age regression to revisit past memories?

There are many reasons hypnotherapists may use age regression with clients to access past memories.Ā 

Hypnotherapy is unique in that it provides a pla...

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Promoting health/reducing risk behaviour with congenital heart defects

Approximately one in every hundred children is born with a congenital heart defect (CHD), the leadingĀ cause of birth defect-related deaths. Many defec...

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