Hypnotherapy to manage the psychological impact of being visibly different.
Visible differences can manifest from a whole range of issues such as birthmarks, scarring, hair loss, skin conditions such as acne and eczema, severe weight issues, cleft lip, or other congenital or accidental deformities.
How many of us cringe at the thought of being in public with a visible cold sore, a pimple, or a rash? The typical thoughts and our attention are with what people will think of us; that they will stare and be distracted by the way we look rather than what we have to say, and that we will be perceived negatively because of it, right?!
Others simply go out of their way to be visibly different by using tattoos, piercings, unusual hair designs or colours, oversized anatomical features such as breast enlargements or overly bulging muscles. Some might say these are welcome distractions that give observers something to focus on and enable the visibly different individual to stand out and be deliberately different for certain purposes.
For most of us, these visible differences are temporary and transient and can be changed. However, for many, these visible differences are permanent and something to live with for the whole of one’s life.
Being visibly different in a society which favours ‘beauty’ and ‘normality’, and erroneously associates visible differences with all manner of psychological malfunctions, can have detrimental effects on those who are visibly different.
Many with unwanted visible differences do adjust well, especially if mediating factors are in place, however, many individuals find the world’s reactions to them far too challenging to cope with at the best of times. One would think that the more visibly different one is, the more psychologically distressed one would be. This, however, hasn’t be found to the case. And often the ones who are most obviously visibly different, where it’s difficult to camouflage or hide the visible difference with e.g., makeup or clothing, can often cope better with the negative reactions from others. Often simply because they have to!
For those who struggle with being visibly different, the behaviours are to avoid public situations, think negatively of themselves leading to low confidence, low self-esteem and low self-worth, high levels of self-consciousness, depression, anxiety, and fear of going into situations where they expect to be perceived negatively.
Whilst individuals are not easily able to change the behaviours of others, and their reactions to them, we can change our own reactions and responses to those who react negatively towards us.
During hypnotherapy and hypnotic coaching, we help people with visible differences to….
Gain confidence in using social skills and assertiveness skills to manage people whose reactions are unfavourable towards them.
Overcome negative thinking and beliefs about the self, self-loathing and self-blame, which encourages a sense of self-worth and appreciation.
Regain a focus on what one does do well and has capability in, rather than a perceived deficit or undesirability
Manage any trauma or bullying associated with being visibly different.
Gain acceptance of who they are and find an identity they are happy to live with.
Learn to reframe and celebrate difference and uniqueness.
Hypnosis has the ability to bypass the strong sense of resistance associated with stubborn conscious thoughts and beliefs, thus enabling quick, deep and long-lasting change.
If you, or anyone you know, has been affected negatively by being visibly different, there is a lot of help on hand to overcome the daily challenges and struggles.