Overcoming emetophobia with hypnotherapy

Jenny was a young girl with emetophobia aged 11 who was frightened of being sick.

She had been to parties and family gatherings and had seen adults be sick at parties.

A party was coming up and Jenny really wanted to go but couldn't due to her fear of being sick at the party and embarrassing herself in front of all her friends.

Jenny was very confident otherwise with no other comorbidities. All she wanted to do was not feel sick and not expect she would be sick in public.

We used the Fastphobia/Rewind Technique to help Jenny replay one of the situations where she was feeling this way to help her remove the negative emotion of the situation she was in.

This worked really well, rating herself from a 10 (very upset) before we did the technique, down to a 0 (no upset) after the technique, whilst thinking about herself being sick at parties. 

We chatted about how adults can go crazy with alcohol and food and sometimes aren't always mindful of their behaviour and how it's affecting them before it's too late.

We then went back to an earlier time in Jenny's life where she was recognising people doing just what we were talking about, not recognising their limits and overeating and drinking too much alcohol.

Jenny was able to talk to these adults giving them some good advice about how they could prevent themselves from getting ill and able to reframe aspects of the behaviour she was watching.

We went to her last situation when she was feeling sick at a party and she gave herself her own advice having some new knowledge to share with her younger self.

Still, in her imagination, we went off into the future choosing her party dress, getting her hair and makeup done, choosing the gift for her friend and armed with knowledge about not overindulging at the party, she went to the imaginary party and had a ball, showing off her dance moves with her friends!

Her mother reported back that she went to the party successfully without any anxiety about being sick and hadn't had any thoughts/emotions about it since. šŸ„³ 

For more details or to find out hypnotherapy may help you or your child, schedule a call with Karen: https://calendly.com/karenbartle/hypnosis-initial-chat


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