Hypnotherapy for Impotence
Hypnotherapy is often sought as a method of curing impotence i.e., the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. Hypnotherapists will commonly use psychological methods to help someone overcome the block to resolving the problem.
A range of emotions, thoughts, and behaviours can impact a man's ability to achieve an erection. One of the common biomedical causes is high blood pressure or hypertension which can be triggered by stress.
There is also a strong connection between impotence and Cardiovascular disease (CVD). For example, a study in 2005 followed 3816 men with erectile dysfunction and 4247 without over 7 years.
The research found that those who were impotent before the study began or who developed it during the study were 45% more likely to experience CVD than those free of erectile dysfunction.
Impotence is a reliable predictor of CVD, as much as elevated cholesterol, smoking, or a strong family history of the disease.
Below is a case study of Mike, who presented with issues that were assessed to be due to psychological stress causing him to apply pressure on himself to perform in his relationship.
Mike was a mechanic and loved his day job. He was well-adjusted, confident, outgoing, and seemed to have no worries. However, when it came to sexual intimacy, Mike became unusually shy and was unable to maintain an erection.
He had never discussed this with anyone before and certainly had not mentioned it to his friends or family. His long-term girlfriend was very understanding and was easily satisfied with intimacy without sexual penetration. Her desire for a child, however, meant that Mike needed to get some help.
Mike was apprehensive at first during the initial assessment as he thought needing to seek help was a sign of weakness and he had never talked about his impotency before outside of the relationship. He felt very relieved being able to discuss his impotence openly with someone independent who was able to help without making a judgment.
Through a few sessions of hypnotherapy, Mike was able to learn how to manage his stress levels and develop more realistic expectations of himself and enjoy the process of sexual intimacy.
The masculine discourse he grew up with was as a male he needed to be in control. However, he found that by giving control to his partner to instigate sexual pleasure he could relax and enjoy the process more.
He learned techniques to manage his negative thoughts and reduce his anxiety/stress levels by relaxing and mentally preparing himself for sexual activities with his partner.
Soon he recognised the effect his thoughts were having on his behaviour and how by changing his cognitions and/or the way he felt, he was able to perform well with his current partner.
Through hypnotherapy, we identified a negative experience earlier in his life which was likely to be when the problem started. After some resolution around this issue, Mike’s impotency significantly diminished.
However, he was advised to see his doctor to get his blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides checked as these are also important signs of CVD to assess his risks and/or get early intervention with these symptoms to prevent having cardiovascular events such as a heart attack or stroke.
Want to learn more about hypnotherapy?
Schedule your free 20-minute call to find out how hypnosis can help you struggle less and manage your issues well: https://calendly.com/karenbartle/hypnosis-initial-chat
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