How effective is hypnotherapy to quit smoking?
Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of quitting smoking. Willpower or being advised by your GP counts for very little it seems.
The study was conducted by Frank Schmidt and research student Chockalingam Viswesvaran, University of Iowa, conducted a meta-analysis that statistically combined the results of over 600 studies involving nearly 72,000 smokers.
The results published in the Journal of Applied psychology showed that the average success rate for all methods was 19%, that is, only about one in five smokers is likely to succeed using the methods covered by the study. Patients told they had serious cardiac disorders, providing them with a clear incentive to stop immediately, had the highest quitting rate, at 36 per cent. But for most smokers without such news, the most effective technique was hypnosis. 48 studies covering over 6000 smokers, gave an average success rate of 30 per cent for this method.
Combination techniques, combining, for example, exercise and breathing therapy came second with a success rate of 29 per cent. Smoke aversion, in which smokers have their own warm, stale cigarette smoke blown back into their faces, achieved a 25 per cent success rate, followed by acupuncture at 24 per cent.
Self-help, in the form of books or mail-order advice, achieved modest success – around 9 per cent, while nicotine gum was a little better at 10 per cent. Will power alone accounted for 6%. Advice from GPs, where there was no current disease, turned out to be the least successful. Virtually no one gave up following advice alone.
These success rates show hypnotherapy to be a leader in successfully quitting smoking out of a range of interventions. Whilst some may still be a little disheartened at the idea of only a 1/3 quitting under these research conditions, clinical hypnotherapy, where interventions are tailored to a person's needs, desires, motivations, and addressing barriers and triggers to smoking, is much higher in achieving success.
Clinical hypnotherapy is a priceless investment when it comes to stopping smoking. There are so many detrimental effects smoking has on our health and well-being and is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases causing death and disability.
The initial financial investment, given cigarettes are so expensive, is recoverable within the first few weeks, depending on how much one smokes.
What you can expect from using hypnotherapy to quit smoking
When you first make contact we'll encourage you to plan ahead and set a date so you can mentally and physically prepare for your happy day. We'll assess how motivated and ready you are to quit and your likely success in using hypnotherapy to quit.
The ideal day to stop would be a stress-free day or a few days. There are no ideal times - just better and worse ones. Although we all know people who have quit during stressful times, we recommend postponing quitting if you're undergoing any of the major stressors, such as divorce, grieving, exams, moving house or changing jobs. Illness is normally classed as a major stressor but this is an exception. When people are ill they become much more aware of their body, risk, and mortality, all of which can be powerful motivators.
It can be beneficial to stop smoking along with a friend or partner. This can provide support and is especially useful if you live together.
You'll be asked what your powerful motivators are, e.g. health, pregnancy, finances, smell, and social acceptance. What are your top 3 reasons for being a non-smoker?
A good test to see if you're ready to quit smoking using hypnosis is to project yourself into the future and say to yourself in the mirror "I am a non-smoker". How does this feel? Can you believe it? Does it feel congruently you? Well done you're ready and able to highly likely quit smoking using hypnotherapy! If not, we can do more work together to tip the balance of your motivation and readiness in favour of quitting.
If you're financially motivated to quit smoking why not work out your costs per day, week, month, year and over a lifetime as a smoker and find some incentivising ways to better spend your well-earned cash and your children's inheritance?
Some of the health benefits of quitting smoking:
After 20 minutes of becoming a non-smoker, your blood pressure and pulse return to normal, and circulation improve, especially on the hands and feet.
8 hours later your blood oxygen levels increase to normal, and your chances of having a heart attack start to fall.
After 24 hours carbon monoxide leaves the body and your lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.
Within 48 hours your body is now nicotine free. Your senses of taste and smell begin to improve.
By 72 hours you're breathing easier, and your energy levels have increased.
At 2-12 weeks your circulation improves throughout the body. Walking and exercise get easier.
Between 3-9 months breathing problems, coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing improve and your lung efficiency increases by 5-10 per cent.
5 years on and your risk of having a heart attack falls to about half of that of a smoker.
By 10 years you've reduced your risk of lung cancer to half that of a smoker and your risk of a heart attack falls to about the same as someone who has never smoked!
Ready and motivated to quit successfully this time? Let's chat: https://calendly.com/karenbartle/hypnosis-to-quit-smoking
Viswesvaran, C. and Schmidt, F.L., 1992. A meta-analytic comparison of the effectiveness of smoking cessation methods. Journal of Applied psychology, 77(4), p.554.