Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
In 2010, we, Karen Bartle and Paul Peace put forward an Advanced Practitioner Training course framework for consideration by the GHSC, one of the largest and most reputable professional hypnotherapy bodies in the UK.
At that time, no such category existed but the proposed syllabus proved to be of such high calibre that the GHSC not only agreed to accredit it but also to accept it as the benchmark for all future courses wishing to attain this higher status.

"Paul and Karen’s advanced practitioner training course framework (which they generously offered to the GHSC for the purpose) continues to be the benchmark for GHSC Accredited Advanced Practitioner Level training to date."
~ William Broom, Chief Executive and Registrar, Hypnotherapy Register, GHSC & GHR
Download a course prospectus & Application form
The Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy course is completed by distance learning and is aimed at practitioners with a thorough initial hypnotherapy diploma training.
Suitable candidates already have the skills that required live, directly supervised training, such as inducing, deepening, maintaining and disengaging trance.
The Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy will invigorate your work by teaching new knowledge and techniques, developing critical and analytical thinking, as well as covering less commonly taught presenting issues, more ways to motivate clients and maximise success, and sophisticated questioning skills.
As well, it will teach practitioners how to deal with awkward clinical situations, advanced ethical and logical thinking, and the value of hypnotherapy research, as well as developing reflective practitioner skills.
The course is accredited internationally by the General Hypnotherapy Register (with whom you can apply for the ‘Advanced Practitioner’ status) and recognised by the International Hypnosis Association and Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA) ~ 10 AHA CPD points or 136 hrs bridging course.
Any hypnotherapist, regardless of their chosen professional association, can complete and benefit from the course. We have sought accreditation with a number of other bodies but most currently have no mechanism for assessing courses at this higher level.
"[...] I am just 'blown away' with the amount of thought provoking, inspiring and just shear depth of knowledge and experience that this book [ed. course manual] provides. [...] It is clearly written, and provides you with a mix of ideas and experience that allow you to reflect and absorb ways in which it can be utilised in practise [...] please don't think I am some gushing overly enthusiastic young man, I am 54, well read and usually quite sceptical by nature, and have never been driven to send an email like this in the past."
This course...
Provides a clear advancement on initial training.
Encourages academic, critical, and reflective thinking on clinical practice, learning, and ethics.
Is substantive and engaging; not simply a 'more of the same' course, such as a collection of new scripts. Applicants are expected to already be confident inducing and deepening trance, etc.
Provides new knowledge, skills, and techniques.
Encourages a considered, respectful, yet critical approach to hypnotherapy research.
Develops the practitioner's extra-clinical abilities, e.g. setting up a peer group and getting the best from supervision.
Engaging and challenging homework that has practical utility in encouraging use of the skills learnt as well as testing a student's understanding
Provides 6 months of free access to the Practice Building Hub for qualified hypnotherapists!
Accrue 10 AHA CPD points or 136 hrs bridging course for membership upgrade.
Learn more about the Practice Building Hub
Benefits of this course
Impress prospective customers with an advanced qualification (AdvDipH).
Accredited internationally by the International Hypnosis Association and General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC). If you are a GHR member, you can upgrade to ‘Advanced Practitioner’ (ADPR) status. You can also apply to join as a new member at this level.
Validated Ongoing Professional Development by the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA).
Highly qualified and experienced trainers who have lectured university psychology students. Paul holds a PhD in psychology and Karen holds an MSc in Health Psychology. Both are experienced hypnotherapy practitioners and internationally well-respected hypnotherapy trainers, as well as qualified supervisors.

"I have just completed the Advanced Diploma via distance learning and can't recommend the course highly enough. The course material is outstanding and covers a variety of practical skills that form a clear progression route to most initial training courses.
The manual discusses different techniques in practical as well as theoretical terms to provide practitioners with an enhanced understanding. Thanks to the extensive homework portfolio I was able to genuinely advance my practical as well as theoretical knowledge.
Even though this particular course was delivered via distance learning, the tutors were very approachable and the material overall was at a much higher standard than the vast majority of face to face training courses I have attended. By completing the course I have become a much more confident practitioner and was overall able to noticeably advance my skills"
Complete the course in your own time (within 6 months). No particular days or times that you must be in attendance.
Distance learning. Complete it from the comfort of your own home - assuming you have a comfortable home! No travel and better for the environment than lots of journeys. No physical accessibility issues as with some venues. No overnight stays in hotels away from home and family. Lockdowns are no issue. Fit it around childcare, etc.
Support from approachable trainers via email or telephone.
A substantial, in-depth course, taking your practice to the next level.
A detailed training manual (ebook) of over 300 pages, including scripts and printable forms.

Who is this course suitable for?
Qualified hypnotherapists, anywhere in the world, with a good command of English, who wants to improve their work for the benefit of clients and to find their work even more fulfilling.
We are selective about entry to the course, always making sure public and profession are prioritised.
You can follow on from initial training straight onto this course provided your course was substantial and you conducted practice sessions on the training and/or since then with members of the public.
Training in other modalities, such as NLP, whilst valuable clinically, does not count towards our entry requirements. You need to be a full member of a professional hypnotherapy association.
Not sure about eligibility? Get in touch!
"The course has taught me so much, and I thank both of you for writing such a fabulous course. [...] The course has helped me to think more critically when hearing other therapists talk, and I often find myself questioning what has been said. This course has certainly broadened my thinking in ways which I had never considered before. I certainly feel more confident as a practitioner."

Course structure
The structure is very simple. Once your application has been accepted, and you have made your first payment, you will be given access to your course manual and your portfolio, a single electronic homework file.
You complete the questions on computer and email your answers to your tutor for marking. Some of these may be sent back to you with constructive feedback and a request to resubmit. You tweak your answers and send the updated file back to us. The file passes back and forth by email until all the questions have met the required standard. You are then sent a certificate.
Therefore, provided you are willing to respond to feedback until you reach the required standard, you cannot 'fail'. This process has worked really well. It upholds standards and meets learning outcomes without the pressure of exams. We’re interested in wholesome learning that you will remember and use. We enjoy investing in you, your future, and the professional more generally. Supervision is provided throughout.
Course content & assessment
Part 1 requires you to read the course manual. This substantial resource contains a rich assortment of information, advancing your knowledge and skills as a hypnotherapist. Here are just a few of the topics covered:
Modern approaches to motivating clients.
Advanced questioning skills.
Handling awkward situations and questions.
Advanced clinical approaches such as the 'Why? So that' technique, wordplay, paradoxical intention and symptom prescription.
Learning how to work without scripts.
Effective new techniques e.g. ‘reverse behavioural chaining’ and ‘Eureka grid’.
Interesting presenting issues, such as stage fright, public speaking, eczema, anger, blushing, wedding issues, and procrastination.
Critical thinking regarding claims made by trainers and books.
How to find, understand and enjoy hypnotherapy research.
Types of ethics and ethical debates in clinical practice.
Working with epileptic clients.
Working with groups.
Being a reflective practitioner.
How to set up and run a successful peer group.
What to look for when choosing professional development courses.
Advanced marketing strategies.
Part 2 questions you on your learning from Part 1, as well as a few other tasks:
20 'open book', untimed multiple choice questions.
15 short answer questions.
Vignette 1: what you would do to help a more complex/higher risk client.
Vignette 2: what you would do in a case that potentially involves child protection.
Reflective journal.
Short statement of how the course has developed your thinking.
A Personal Development Plan - statement of what you intend to in the near future to improve as a hypnotherapist.
N.B. Content may be subject to change as we continually seek to improve our courses.
All tasks must be completed to an acceptable standard that meets the learning outcomes. Our professional bodies reserve the right to spot-check us to hold us accountable for standards of student work and tutor feedback.
"I enjoyed the course very much, it was my first experience of distance learning and the result is that I would certainly do it again in the future. I felt very supported throughout the course even when I was a little uncertain of whether I was doing ok. The feedback gave me the confidence to know I was on the right track and to carry on. Even when the tutors were on holiday I still received an email showing their dedication to their students."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this course and found it challenging. I feel it built well on initial training giving me more techniques to add to my repertoire and helped me to think about the whole process of therapy in a deeper way."
"I enjoyed the course; it required me to think harder than I thought it would. Some of the greatest benefit was near the end - rising to the challenge of Karen's questions!"
Enrolment & fees
We are currently enrolling new students. The fee includes everything: support, assessment and certification.
In additional the fee includes 6 months of unlimited access to the Hypnotherapy Hub Membership group for Qualified Hypnotherapists!
$830 AUD
$621 USD
£474 GBP
€565 EUR
Subscriptions to the course are paid monthly for 6 consecutive months.
We may be able to accept other currencies. Please ask.
*Full money-back guarantee* for the first 30 days.
Recovering course fees and wearing the 'business hat'
Courses are enjoyable in their own right, they improve performance, and they are a professional requirement. But it is also good to consider how fees will be recovered. They are, after all, a business cost. A higher qualification should attract clients who are choosing a therapist, where very often little distinguishes one therapist from another. We can offer the following formula to work out how many clients you need in order to recover AdvDipH course fees:
Divide the total course cost by the fee you charge per session. This gives the total number of sessions required to recover fees.
Divide this figure by the average number of sessions each of your clients attend for.
You need this many new clients, attracted by your new qualification, to break even.
A typical figure often surprises people - about 3 clients.
What’s more, the qualification continues to work for you for as long as you are a therapist.
Invest in you and your clients - you’re both worth it!
Get FREE ACCESS to the Practice Building Hub for Qualified Hypnotherapists

When you enrol on the AdvDipH course you will get an immediate 6 months of unlimited access to enjoy all the benefits of the Practice Building Hub for Qualified Hypnotherapists!
So you'll be able to access...
Monthly group supervision.
Monthly practice building coaching group to grow your business.
A community of like-minded professionals to share and learn to be the best hypnotherapist you can be.
Access to the complete version of The Advanced Hypnotherapist which forms the manual to our AdvDipH course.
Opportunity to graduate as an Advanced Hypnotherapist.
Individual supervision, mentoring and coaching sessions.
Free and discounted Continuing Professional Development courses (CPDs).
Regular quality content to develop you and your practice!
Click here to learn more